Servei d’Endocrinologia, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Most prospective studies have not provided systematic clinical data on
patients with BI with and without hormone deficiencies.4,11-13
Agha reported hormonal outcome in 102 consecutive TBI survivors 6 to 36
months after the event, clinical evaluation of patients being carried
out via a questionnaire related to the Quality of Life as a measure of
growth hormone deficiency (AGHDAQol).11 There were no
differences in quality of life between GH deficient and GH sufficient
patients. Leal-Cerro selected patients with a custom-made questionnaire;
although no data regarding the questionnaire were provided 33% of the
patients showed no signs or symptoms of hypopituitarism according to the
questionnaire. Of the remainder, 24.7% showed some form of
hypopituitarism upon testing8. To date, the majority of studies have failed to identify clinical predictors of pituitary dysfunction.3,4,7-9,12
However, Bondanelli et al found a relationship between pituitary
dysfunction and the severity of the BI evaluated by the GCS,5 while
Benvenga, in a retrospective review, found an association of the
occurrence and the duration of coma with the severity of the BI.1
Clinical evaluation of hypopituitarism is difficult because signs and
symptoms may be subtle and unspecific and may mimic the
neuropsychological sequellae of TBI.10,14 Besides, clinical
characteristics of mild hypogonadism, hypothyroidism or hypoadrenalism,
or mild general hypopituitarism may be difficult to recognize. This is
the reason why universal screening with baseline hormonal assessment
seems to be the most reasonable approach.3,10 Furthermore,
efforts should be made in future clinical studies to define clinical
characteristics of hypopituitarism in patients with TBI and to identify
clinical variables that may predict pituitary dysfunction. Since
hypogonadism, hypoadrenalism and hypothyroidism are easier to diagnose
than growth hormone deficiency (GHD) with basal testing, it is important
to define a clinical protocol to determine which patients will benefit
from GHD screening. In the absence of a simple validated questionnaire
of hypopituitarism, the AGDAQoL test may be a useful tool, albeit
non-specific, to identify low quality of life that may be due to GHD,
which is the most prevalent pituitary deficiency 12 months after TBI.4,15
In summary, universal hormonal screening should be conducted in all
patients with moderate-to-severe TBI, in all patients with SAH and in
any degree of TBI when there is clinical suspicion. Patients in the
vegetative state who are unlikely to benefit from hormone therapy are
excluded from non-vital hormone assessment. It is advisable that a short
clinical scale for hypopituitarism evaluation be defined. The AGHDAQoL
may be useful in quality of life evaluation.
Baseline hormonal testing should be performed in all patients. Screening for hypopituitarism will include tests listed in Table 1 with the following considerations:
A. Pituitary-gonadal axis
The pituitary-gonadal axis in men is evaluated with LH, FSH and
testosterone. In women with a history of regular menstrual periods, no
assessment is needed; however, in women with menstrual problems or
amenorrea, LH, FSH and estradiol have to be measured.
B. Pituitary-adrenal axis
Pituitary-adrenal evaluation is performed with early morning plasma
cortisol measurement. Cut-off values for the diagnosis of adrenal
insufficiency are different in the acute admission phase from those in
outpatient evaluation. Acute cortisol levels <200 nmol/L (7.24 µg/dl)
suggest ACTH deficiency and replacement therapy is indicated; between
200 and 400 nmol/L (14.5 µg/dl), clinical judgement should be applied to
decide which patients need treatment16. After 3-6 months,
baseline cortisol under 98 nmol/L (3.5 µg/dl) is diagnostic of
hypoadrenalism, over 285 nmol/L (10 µg/dl) rules out adrenal deficiency
and between 3.5 and 10 µg/dl requires provocative testing.15,17
ACTH stimulation tests (low and standard dose) have been found to be of
poor reliability in the diagnosis of adrenal deficiency in patients
with baseline cortisol between 3.5 and 10 µg/dl;18 therefore,
the Insulin Tolerance test (ITT) will be done when not contraindicated.
The CRH test in one study yielded 96% specificity but poor sensitivity
(76%), using a cut-off cortisol response of ≤377 nmol/L (13.6 µg/dl),17 and may be considered when the ITT is contraindicated.
C. Pituitary-thyroid axis
TSH, free T4 and free T3 measurements are required in the assessment of central hypothyroidism;19
however, studies have shown that in other causes of central
hypothyroidism, including cranial irradiation and pituitary tumors,
baseline testing had a poor sensitivity of 73%.19-21 This is
an issue that has not been specifically addressed in the context of TBI.
Most prospective studies have included only one basal thyroid function
measurement. Leal-Cerro did TRH stimulation testing to confirm central
hypothyroidism only in those patients who already showed low FT4;
therefore, sensitivity of the dynamic test as compared to the basal
values cannot be assessed.8 Lieberman et al did TRH testing in 27 of 70 adults after TBI.9
Of the 15 patients with low FT4 and/or TSH, 6 underwent TRH testing and
3 of them had subnormal TSH response. Clinical scales (Billewicz or
that modified by Zulewski) are not sensitive either, but can be useful
in monitoring signs and symptoms.22 More studies are
essential to clarify which is the best way to diagnose hypothyroidism in
BI and whether the TRH test should be included in clinical protocols.
In the meantime, we propose use of baseline thyroid function tests (TSH,
FT4 and FT3) and repetition of the measurement in any case with
clinical suspicion of hypothyroidism even in the presence of one set of
normal tests.
D. Growth hormone assessment
There is no doubt that gonadal, thyroid and adrenal deficiencies should
be ruled out and treated. However, whether GHD—in patients with
completed linear growth—in the context of BI should be treated and when
treatment should be commenced requires more specific studies. This is a
crucial issue, since GHD is not easily diagnosed with basal testing. The
largest systematic prospective study of pituitary function after BI4
found that GHD is the most common pituitary deficit; 20 and 22% of
patients (TBI and SAH, respectively) had isolated severe GHD at 12
months. To rule out GHD, provocative testing is necessary.23
Universal provocative testing in all patients with moderate-to-severe
TBI is both troublesome and expensive for the patient. Moreover, since
patients with TBI are young, sometimes without previous morbidity, TBI
has a major impact in terms of long-term medical care. We have observed
that many patients with TBI are reluctant to undergo dynamic blood
testing or any further medical evaluation. Before including dynamic
testing in routine protocols, clinical consequences of GHD in these
patients should be more precisely defined and the effects of GH
treatment in this setting need to be proven in randomised clinical
trials. Clinical studies are ongoing and their results are needed before
specific recommendations are formulated. For the time being, we propose
that the measurement of IGF-1 be used to identify GHD (due to its high
specificity) and the AGHDAQoL be used to identify which patients may
benefit from GH therapy. Therefore, provocative GH testing, carried out
when other hormones have been replaced and at the appropriate time to
rule out transitory hormone deficits, may be worthwhile.
only available data to date regarding GH treatment in TBI patients are
derived from analysis of the KIMS epidemiological study.24 In
this study, patients with GHD after TBI who received GH replacement
therapy were shorter than hypopituitary patients due to other causes,
suggesting that GHD management was delayed. Patients in KIMS with
TBI-induced pituitary dysfunction usually had 3 additional pituitary
deficiencies, which is the least common situation found in recent
prospective studies of TBI patients. Data on isolated GHD in TBI
patients are consequently lacking and are needed before universal GH
provocative testing is recommended. However, special attention should be
paid to TBI in pediatric or adolescent patients who have not completed
linear growth. Such patients should be studied and GHD should be ruled
Which is the best provocative test to diagnose GHD in TBI
patients is another important unresolved issue. The insulin tolerance
test (ITT) is the gold standard but it is sometimes contraindicated in
this setting. Tests using GHRH plus arginine or secretagogues may miss
hypothalamic causes of GHD, which may be frequent according to pathology
studies.6 Therefore, when GH deficiency is suspected and GH
treatment is considered, the ITT, when not contraindicated, is the best
choice. When the ITT is contraindicated, the glucagon test or tests that
use GHRH can be considered, although the former yields some false
positive results (0 to 16% according to different studies)9,25 while with GHRH tests a proportion of false negative results are expected.
Adrenal insufficiency should be evaluated any time it is suspected, including the acute admission phase.2 Adrenal and thyroid function should be systematically studied at 3-6 months after the event, or whenever symptoms are present.3,10
The gonadal axis can take some time to recover after the stress. There
are no specific data on the clinical consequences of delaying gonadal
replacement treatment, but taking into account the potential benefit in
body composition and exercise capacity, it would be advisable to treat
confirmed hypogonadism when it is present at 3-6 months after the
episode. Therefore, universal gonadal evaluation is advised at 3-6
months, simultaneously with thyroid and adrenal function evaluation. If
these hormonal axes are normal or abnormal, should patients be re-tested
at 12 months? According to Agha,11 in patients with normal anterior pituitary function at 3-6 months no further assessment is needed. In contrast, Aimaretti et al12
in their prospective study showed that new hormonal deficiencies
appeared after 3 months of the BI episode and some deficiencies present
at 3-6 months (particularly GH and gonadal deficiencies) proved
transitory. Therefore, clinical monitoring of patients with normal
results at 3-6 months is advised to detect who may need hormonal testing
thereafter. Reassessment of thyroid, adrenal and gonadal function at 12
months should be carried out in patients with abnormal results at 3-6
months to rule out transitory deficiencies. GH deficiency should be
evaluated after other pituitary hormone deficiencies are adequately
managed. In adult patients, GH evaluation will be performed 12 months
after the episode, or whenever symptoms are present and a treatment
benefit is expected. In pediatric patients, timing of GHD study will
depend on the presence of other pituitary deficiencies and on clinical
characteristics. In the case of multiple deficiencies, a GHD study may
be done 3-6 months after the episode. If no other pituitary deficiencies
are present, growth velocity should be monitored 6-12 months after the
BI episode before GH stimulation tests are performed. Until more data
are available, a trial of GH treatment is warranted in cases with proven
GHD and symptoms attributable to GHD. There are no data to support
further endocrine follow-up beyond 12 months in patients with normal
pituitary function since prospective studies have a maximum follow-up of
1 year. However, long-term clinical monitoring of these patients is
advised. Based on current findings a new algorithm for endocrine
assessment is proposed (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Recommended algorithm for endocrine assessment after brain injury (BI). See text for details.
It is critical that front-line specialists who take care of these
patients (neurosurgeons, trauma surgeons and rehabilitation physicians)
be aware of the problem; however, given the high prevalence of TBI
induced hormonal deficiencies and the non-specificity of clinical signs
and symptoms, systematic endocrine referral 3 to 6 months after BI is
recommended. It is advisable to define multidisciplinary cost-effective
protocols in which first-line specialists order baseline pituitary
function tests and endocrinologists do the clinical evaluation and
interpret the hormonal results.
Although much has been learnt about the endocrine consequences of TBI,
many questions still remain before specific practical recommendations
may be advanced in terms of evaluation and treatment of such patients.
Efforts should be made to define summarized clinical scales to be used
for screening and treatment purposes. Universal evaluation with basal
hormonal testing is advised in all patients with SAH, in patients with
moderate-to-severe TBI and in all cases of TBI with clinical symptoms
suggestive of hypopituitarism. Adrenal, gonadal and thyroid function
assessment is recommended 3 to 6 months after the episode. Adrenal and
thyroid should be studied any time if symptoms are present. Whether
thyroid assessment needs provocative testing with TRH needs to be
clarified. Reassessment at 12 months should be performed in patients
with altered function at 3-6 months and in those with previous normal
function but clinical suspicion of hypopituitarism. Provocative testing
for GHD may be considered 12 months after the episode, when other
pituitary deficiencies are being treated and stable and when a treatment
benefit is expected, although scientific evidence of benefit from GH
replacement treatment in this setting is lacking. GHD should be ruled
out in all patients with open epiphyses. The AGHDAQoL may help to select
adult patients for provocative testing. It is advisable that front-line
specialists select patients for study, order baseline pituitary
function tests and refer patients to specialised endocrine care for data
interpretation and eventual follow-up.
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Address for correspondence:
Gemma Sesmilo, Servei d’Endocrinologia, Hospital Clínic, C/Villarroel 170, 08036 Barcelona, Spain, Tel.: 34 93 227 9846,
Fax: 34 93 451 66 38, e-mail:
Received 12-09-06, Revised 22-02-07, Accepted 10-03-07