Friday, 4 July 2014

But you may get what They think That You Need, Mind maniplulation FaceBook Style or is it ScarFolk Style

Popular new DotCom  is the new leader in exploring psychological frontiers.

This represents the true value of peer review.

A truly valid scientific experiment should be easily repeated to fully validate the original.
No longer just a theory. Now available with modern metrics to help you track the effects of your business advertising dollars.

Eventually this and  other such helpful DotCom's will achieve profitability by extorting selling your own private information back to you for ....well, a lot!

A new bench mark for trust

"We Won't Forget. So You Can't" (1973)

Illicitly and unconstitutionally spying on a whole nation requires an enormous amount of taxpayers' money. That is why, in 1973, Scarfolk started a scheme to sell surveillance data to the public, the actual object of the aforementioned spying.

By 1970, Scarfolk Council had bugged every room, every street, every public and private space. Even forests, beaches and bouncy castles were wiretapped. Every moment of every resident's life was recorded and archived in vast bunkers in the mountains of Snowdonia and abroad.

All this information was subcontracted to a consortium of corporations called RIMPS that used the data to exploit citizens' psychological weaknesses and/or blackmail them into acts of personal depravity for entertainment. These acts were televised and had viewing figures of millions per broadcast. Many people became household names as shame and celebrity became synonymous.

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